torsdag 15. april 2010


In the district of Gamle Oslo wich Grønland is a part of 1 out of 9 is a recipient of social assistance, the numbers for the more prospering areas of the city (Vestre Aker) is 1 to 50. 22% of the kids under the age of 18 lives in a household that receives social assistance. The overall number for the city is 5,4%.
Why do we have this figures? What kind of information can we withdraw from them?
In the municipality Oslo there is a total of 10.000 social housing appartments, 48% of these are situated within the inner east city core and this accelerates the fact that the city is a divided universe. The problem is NOT that there are social housing, the problem is WHO gets social housing and what kind of environments the social housing provides for the ones who lives there with theire families, raing theire kids.
Two political decisions from the Oslo City Council have worked together and reinforced each other. In 2004, it introduced market rent and ended all subsidies of rent. Instead, the ones who needed it could get direct housing subsidies. At the same time, new rules where inforced to who is allowed to rent appartment in municipal housing. The new rules do not any longer require that the clients should have so-called "boevne"- to have ability to take care of them self. Released prisoners, former institutionalized people and refugees are mentioned explicitly.

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